ANOVA stands for ANalysis Of VAriance. ANOVAs analyze the variation between and within groups. There are multiple types of ANOVAs based on the nature of the independent variable(s):
Nature of IV(s) | Type of ANOVA |
1 between-subjects IV | One-way ANOVA |
1 within-subjects IV | Repeated-measures ANOVA |
2+ between-subjects IVs | Independent factorial ANOVA |
2+ within-subjects IVs | Repeated measures factorial ANOVA |
2+ IVs mixed between/within | Mixed factorial ANOVA |
1+ IV with a continuous covariate | ANCOVA |
Furthermore, there are ANOVAs for when there are multiple dependent variables (called the MANOVA or Multiple ANOVA, as well as the MANCOVA or Multiple ANCOVA) but we will not discuss them in this class.