Answers to 10.2 regression

  1. Perform a multiple regression examining how English, Reading and Writing, as well as Gender relate to the dependent variable Math.

    • Do you have any significant outliers? (answer = no)

    • Are your residuals normally distributed? (answer = yes)

    • Do you satisfy the assumption of linearity and homoscedasticity of your residuals (just check the Fitted residual plot)? (answer = yes)

    • Do you meet the assumption of independent residuals? (answer = yes)

    • Do you meet the assumption of no multicollinearity? (answer = yes)

    • Can you perform a regression with this data? (answer = yes)

    • What is your adjusted R-squared, rounded to two decimal places? (answer = .31)

    • Is the overall model statistically significant? (answer = yes)

    • Is English statistically significant? (answer = no)

    • Is Reading statistically significant? (answer = yes)

    • Is Writing statistically significant? (answer = yes)

    • Is Gender statistically significant? (answer = yes)

    • For Gender, do male (Gender = 0) or female (Gender = 1) students have higher math scores? (answer = male)