Answers to 7.2 independent samples t-test

  1. Does height differ by gender (Gender: male = 0, female = 1)?

    • Should you use a one-tailed or two-tailed hypothesis? (answer = two-tailed)

    • Which statistic should you use based on your assumptions? (answer = Mann Whitney U)

    • Does height differ by gender? (answer = yes)

  2. Do athletes (Athlete: athletes = 1, non-athlete = 0) have faster sprint times than non-athletes?

    • Should you use a one-tailed or two-tailed hypothesis? (answer = one-tailed)

    • Which statistic should you use based on your assumptions? (answer = Mann Whitney U)

    • Do athletes have faster sprint times than non-athletes? (answer = yes)

  3. Do students who live on campus (LiveOnCampus: on campus = 1, off campus = 0) have higher English scores than students who live off campus?

    • Should you use a one-tailed or two-tailed hypothesis? (answer = one-tailed)

    • Which statistic should you use based on your assumptions? (answer = Welch t-test)

    • Does students who live on campus have higher English scores? (answer = no)

  4. Does athletic status relate to math scores?

    • Should you use a one-tailed or two-tailed hypothesis? (answer = two-tailed)

    • Which statistic should you use based on your assumptions? (answer = independent t-test)

    • Does athletic status relate to math scores? (answer = yes)